The school year has just begun, and the exam season still seems to be a monstrosity for the future you take care of. But do you really think that cramming all your study materials, doing last-minute assignments and extracurriculars, and on top of all that trying to fit in some hours of practice tests, will do you any good? I don’t think so. Yes, it is possible that at the end of the day, you will get the job done, but why should you suffer all of that?
“Well at least I don’t have to start early”, you might say, and I get it. Forcing yourself to study when there is not a single shadow of an exam in your vicinity can be quite a hassle. No, really it is, but that’s our best option so that in the future you can get a wink of sleep when the exams are nearby. So how you could motivate yourself to study when you don’t really want to?
You look at all the various ways to keep yourself motivated while studying, but all of them seem so overused and boring. Why not make it into a game? I’m not even kidding. This method adds more fun and excitement to the monotonous and boring task that is doing extra work. How should you do it? Simple.
1. Make A Character Profile!
Write down your strengths and weaknesses. You can draw inspiration from the guide to make DND characters.
2. Set A Goal!
It can be anything from acing your exams to getting an academic reward, it all depends on you. Now you have a final boss at the end of the game or maybe a section of a game.
3. Divide Your Goal Into Sub-sections!
Ask yourself, “What should I do to achieve my goal?”.
Rely on your character profile!
Pay more attention to your weaknesses over your strengths. These will be your challenges. For every “quest” you work on that's a strength, have 2-3 “quests” that challenge your weaknesses.
4. Make A Playlist!
Every game has a soundtrack, and so does yours. You can assign different playlists to specific subjects and/or tasks.
P.S. I personally have a Rammstein playlist ready for my Math and Physics study sessions. Best study sessions ever.
5. Rewards, yayyy!
Get a dice. It can be a regular D6 that most of us have somewhere lying around in the house, or maybe even a D20 if you want to be fancy. It does not matter if it is a physical or a digital dice. Make a list of possible rewards and number them from 1 to whatever number is the highest depending on your dice. Roll the dice for the rewards for every milestone you pass.
You did it and you deserve a treat for that no matter how small was the challenge.
It does not matter what others think of your achievements as long as you try. Trying deserves a reward because even trying can often be hard.
This is way more fun than boring calendars. Don’t you think? So why don’t you try making your own game? Would you add anything special? Tell us in the comments.
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P.P.S For my personal game I created a fantasy map.
Every continent and island is a separate extracurricular or subject that I need to get done. I have pins on each of them symbolizing my teachers or tutors, they are my quest givers.
I also make “wanted” posters to keep track of my tasks and assignments.